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Edith Best of Discovery

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Registrierter Name: Edith Best of Discovery
Kennel: Best of Discovery
Vater: O'Brian Best of Discovery
Mutter: Grazia Best of Discovery
Rufname: Paula
Geschlecht: female
Geburtsland: Croatia
Steht im Land: Deutschland
Größe: 55 cm
Farbe: chocolate
Gesundheit: PRA frei / HNPK frei
HD/ED: EIC Träger / HD A1/A1 / ED 0/0
Zuchtbuch Nr: HR 17203 LR
Täto Chip Nr: 191100000561511
Edith Best of DiscoveryO'Brian Best of Discovery

Mallorn's Chocomania
Tjotte's Now Or Never

Boothgates Miz Showbusiness
Cameswon Agreed On EverythingGowanvale Balance
Stenveyz Box of Chocolate
Grazia Best of Discovery

Mallorn's Roque's Gallery

Mallorn's Romeo

Mallorn's Terracotta
Fisherman's Friend CanyonroseTrendmaker's Take Five
Loresho Toffee