Labrador Retriever Datenbank
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Seite 281-300 von 1040 Labradoren
Name Vater Mutter Geschlecht Geburtsjahr
Scotney Doushka female 1944
Scotney DustyGlenhead Zuider Auburn Quill male 1955
Scotney Jingle male
Scotney KinsmanCountryman of Chrishall Scotney Sadie male
Scotney Maree male 1967
Scotney SadieWithington Sam female
Scotney Sprite male
Scottish BluebellIsla Rab Isla Bet female
Scotty van het KapittellandBlack Percy van de Floretty Hof Trix van de Hurske Hoeve male 1993
Scrimshaw Duckless Fairbank Lindall Mastercraft Scrimshaw Manda Lifeboats male 1986
Scrimshaw Manda Lifeboats female 1982
Scrimshaw Placido FlamingoScrimshaw Duckless Fairbank Henderland Candach male 1992
Scrimshaw Sink Or Swim female 1986
Scrimshaw The House Rector male 1986
Scwarlodge AbilityCorsican Corsair female
Sea BreezeLockerbie Bosun female
Sea-Birds Billion Dollar BabyWilcare Leisure Suit Larry Sea-Birds Loveletters in The Sand female 2007
Sea-Birds Kissing CroustCharway Sea Badger Fairchilds Design for Seabird's female 1989
Sea-Birds Knock on My Door Naiken Way Out West Sea-Birds Billion Dollar Baby male 2011
Sea-Birds Loveletters in The Sand Tjotte's Broken Arrow Cadonau's Emilia Galotti female 2002
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